A Child and His Faith

Heb. 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Not by my strength

     It's Sunday evening after days of being snowed in and I've had a lot of time to reflect on life as I know it.  For the most part it has been without much grief or hardship and I count this as a huge blessing.
     Throughout the day the thought of sending my son off to war has stayed with me.  It isn't like we haven't done this before.  There is just something different about it this time.
      I can't really put my finger on it.  Maybe it's that I have grandsons reminding me of  funny things my own children did when they were small.  Maybe it's because he's older and still kisses my cheek and needs a hug.  Maybe it's because we had so much fun in all this snow.  Maybe who knows....
      What I do know is that as much as I love my child Christ loves him more.  Why wouldn't He?  He designed him, knows the number of hairs on his head, knit him together in my womb and sent His own child to carry his sins.  That love for us overwhelms me, consumes me and humbles me.  I am blessed in the knowledge that he is a child of the King.  His name is written in the Book of Life.  Peace for any mothers heart.
      As he prepares to deploy to do a job he chose I will be reminded how lucky I am to be his mom.  How he and I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. (Philipians 4:15)  Even sending a child to a place I can hardly fathom.  Even being apart from those he loves to do a job he believes in.
      My mothers heart can not do this by my own strength.  I am glad to know my Father so well.  Please keep my soldier and all deployed in your prayers.
                                                     Soldiers mom


1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful, Barbara! I have been thinking about Mason alot lately & Elizabeth "Sondra". I know how dificult this will be on her. As a mother, I can't imagine how you feel, but I know, as mother, I feel for my daughter (who loves your son very much), the fear & how much she will miss him. I will be there for her & I am offering to be there for you! Lisa Larson
